Dear Green Box family,
What I love about working with Green Box is its about our community which includes my staff who are just as much family to me as our clients are. Pearl, Asi and Mama Pearl have learnt what each client likes and how they like their Green Boxes and they try their best each week to pack each box just right. One example I mention an item that I put on a table and Mama Pearl will remember and make sure that this item gets to our client. Then our beautiful clients, I will put a message out that I have one jar left for yoghurts and by 4pm I had all the jars I needed at my door or round the corner so we could have enough to have yoghurts made this week. I would like to add a special thanks to Doreen, Clints mum and my own mum in law Ingrid who have helped us with transport and driving each Thursday. We appreciate you both.
Many people have said that we should stay open over Christmas, we did it once and I saw how exhausted it made my staff who were already exhausted and I decided that they are more important than earning lots of money over season. So each year over Christmas I give them all 3 weeks paid leave and they travel to see their families and really have a good break from Sea Vista which is not always an easy place to live in especially over Christmas time. When they come back they are well rested, happy and healthy and thats the most important thing for me. My husband Robert and our boys as well as my in-laws John and Ingrid are also important to me together with Roberts brother Steven that has come from overseas and its time to be with them and spend quality time. Each of them have helped me incredibly this year as I have tried to grow and build Green Box on its own platform www.greenboxorders.co.za. it was a big step to venture out on my own and had various people to help me build the website. I want to thank Leandre and his team from Penny Worth Design for helping me get this website to where it is now. They are always there to support me and I am thankful.
We’d like to end this message by saying a HUGE thank you to all our clients for believing in us, supporting us, being patient with us when we have made mistakes and for promoting us with friends in our community.
I will still be selling milk and Tsitsikamma and Aqua V water through Christmas and New Year as Santa needs his milk at the Christmas tree and lots of people need our milk and the water now for health reasons, not just Santa! You can order our milk as usual online but don’t get a shock when you only see milk and water available on the website.