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Papillon Organics

Papillon Organics

Our Story

Papillon Organic Farm was purchased by Sha and Malcolm Devine in 1998. Over decades, this pioneer couple built the then bare farm up to what it is today. Papillon is now the leading certified organic fresh produce supplier to the Kouga and Cacadu area. The organic company came about quite accidentally. Sha Devine grew her own organic herbs in a quaint ‘potager garden’ outside the farmhouse kitchen, and one day a local chef arrived on the farm begging for rocket. Soon word spread, and the company grew. Full organic status was achieved in 2006, although organic principles have been implemented from day one.
In 2023, the farm and business was handed over to the Botha family. For them, the farm is the marriage of all their passions. Marike Botha grew up in Cape st Francis and wanted to be close to the ocean and live a healthy, sustainable lifestyle. Her husband Ruan was raised in Botswana and dreamt of returning to a farm. The young couple visited Papillon in November 2022 and immediately knew they had found what they were looking for. Ruan, Marike and their parents, who are now running the business, are committed to farming ‘nature’s way’, using sustainable organic principles to grow the legacy left by the Devines.
Vegetables and Herbs

Vegetables and Herbs

Farm Fresh

Farm Fresh

Certified Organic

Certified Organic

Photo Gallery